European Studies
European Studies

European Studies

Do you enjoy working together and beyond borders? Are you interested in politics, international cooperation, languages, communication and cultures? And would you like to pursue an international career? Then European Studies may just be the ideal study programme for you.

  • Location Maastricht
  • Duration 4 years, start in September
  • Degree Bachelor of Arts
  • Language English


About the Education

What will you learn at European Studies in Maastricht?

At the bachelor European Studies, you will:

  • learn about the foundations of Europe, by studying how major events in history, politics and cultures have shaped the European continent.
  • learn about the European institutions, policy making and culture and the impact it had and has on national and local governments, society and companies
  • develop your intercultural communication skills and knowledge of English and French, German or Spanish
  • develop practical skills that will prepare you for your job after graduation.

The study programme of European Studies in Maastricht is based on the types of jobs you can fulfil after you graduate. You will gain theoretical knowledge, which you will also apply into practice. In each study block, you work on a task that you could come across in the professional field. These tasks entail providing strategic communication and policy advice, developing the associated plans, organising events and representing an organisation.

At the hbo bachelor European Studies, team work is a substantial part of the programme. You will develop essential skills such as organising and planning your projects, communicating in foreign languages, writing, presentation and (intercultural) communication skills. Moreover, by carrying out different tasks throughout the study programme, you will develop new talents and discover new fields of interest.

During your studies, one of your lecturers will be your mentor throughout all four study years. Your mentor will guide you whenever necessary. In addition, your lecturers will support you and your fellow students when carrying out assignments for the European Studies bachelor. Next to regular classes, there are supervision sessions where you can work on your project and where you can consult with your lecturer for advice, tips and guidance.

Johan, Roos and Ama talk about their experiences of studying European Studies

Story of a graduate: Marleen van der Minnen

During my four-year studies at European Studies, I learned many things. For example, how to work in a dynamic and international team. There is a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical appliance, therefore I believe that European Studies really prepares its students to become professionals with a broad and thorough outlook. Moreover, I was able to choose where I wanted to go on exchange in the fourth year. I chose Romania and it was one of the best decisions I made. My exchange to Romania opened my vision to Eastern Europe. The culture and politics of this country gave me more insights in the social and cultural differences across the EU.

I can recommend European Studies to anyone who enjoys learning about the European Union, and who likes to look at it from different angles.

Supervision on both the progress of the task and the group process by one of the lecturers of the international European Studies team is of course provided. All students will have a mentor to keep track on the study progress throughout your study period at European Studies in Maastricht.

Study load
The hbo bachelor European Studies is a full-time study programme. This means you are expected to spend on average 40 hours a week studying, during group work, individual assignments and preparing exams and classes. 

  • Education and Examination Regulations

    The education and examination regulations provide all the information you will need about the content of the study programme, the academic support provided, and the way in which examinations are organized. 

    • Check the EER

    If you want more information about the programme and competences, read the studyguide

  • Tuition fees

    As a degree-seeking student you will have to pay annual tuition fees. Students from the EU pay the statutory tuition fees, and non-EU students pay the institutional tuition fees. Normally speaking, these fees are waived for exchange students from partner universities.

  • Facts and figures

    Are you interested in how our current students rate this study programme? And how your chances are at the labour market? Check the objective information that's based on public reliable sources. With this overview you can compare our programme with the national average.

    Check the facts and figures of European Studies



  • Year 1

    In every block of the year you will work on one topic. For year 1 of the bachelor European Studies these topics are: 

    1. Get to know Europe
      Shape a plan for a city to become a European Capital of Culture and organise an event to promote this city. 
    2. Cooperation in the EU
      Shape a plan on how to receive funding for a policy priority of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.
    3. Lobbying in the EU
      Provide a lobbying advice on an assigned simple legislative proposal or policy proposal (within environment, transport or migration).
    4. Cooperative citizenship (CSR)
      Provide an advice on how to change the policy on health and well-being of (international) students at Zuyd. You will be provided with knowledge to carry out these tasks, including English and on the EU/Europe. 

    In addition, you will be studying French, German or Spanish. 


  • Year 2

    In the second year of the bachelor's program European Studies, you build on the foundations laid in the first year. You will further deepen your knowledge and understanding of the European Union and its institutions. The second year of European Studies in Maastricht prepares you for further studies and a career in the real world of work.

    1. European Competitiveness
      You will scrutinize the economic position of Europe globally and formulate policy priorities.
    2. Democracy in Europe
      You will shape a campaign and organise an event in which your will promote a new political group in various countries of the EU.
    3. EU in a globalised world 
      You will learn about the historic development and contemporary use of diplomacy by the EU and its member states in the field of international cooperation. The ultimate objective is to give advice to your supervisor on the best way to approach an assigned dossier.
    4. Civil society in Europe
      You will shape an NGO campaign to protect human rights in Europe, think about refugees in the EU.
  • Year 3

    In the third year, you will leave Maastricht for a semester and spend six months studying abroad at one of our partner universities. You can choose to study in almost any country in Europe or beyond.

    Of course you will have to study, but the experience is mostly about living abroad and meeting international students from all over the world, communicating in different languages, using your intercultural skills and learning how to be independent.

    In the second semester of year 3 of the hbo bachelor European Studies, you will take part in a simulation of the professional environment. You and your fellow students have to set up and run a communication consultancy and you will do assignments for your client.

  • Year 4

    In the fourth year of the European Studies bachelor in Maastricht, you focus on applying your acquired knowledge and skills to real-world problems and challenges facing Europe. Through electives, you immerse yourself in the European public or private sector. You will either focus more on the public or the private European domain. Topics covered are foreign affairs and security policy, EU development aid and global competitiveness. You need to choose a minor and find an internship.

    You round off the study European Studies bachelor in Maastricht by doing an international internship in a European context. Examples of possible internship providers for European Studies students are:

    • European Institutions
    • European, national or local governmental organizations
    • NGOs and IGOs
    • Embassies and consulates
Entrance requirements

Entrance requirements

  • Havo

    All profiles

  • Vwo

    All profiles

  • Mbo

    mbo diploma at level 4 and preferably English.

  • 21+

    Exemption of the pre-university requirements is only possible on the basis of a binding admission examination. You are only eligible for this examination if you are 21 years of age or older. Read more about the test for candidates aged 21 or older.

  • Non-Dutch

    Generally speaking, a secondary school diploma will give access to our study programme, e.g.:

    • Abitur
    • Fachhochschulreife
    • International baccalaureate

    Extra requirement
    Prove of a good command of the English language. A secondary school graduation level is required for EU-students. Students from outside of the EU are required to take an IELTS (score at least 6) or TOEFL test (computer-based score at least 213). Please note that your test results must be valid at the start of the programme. TOEFL and IELTS scores expire after 2 years. Cambridge certificates are valid indefinitely.

    Immigration regulations
    Don't forget to check the immigration regulations imposed by the Dutch authorities  Depending on your nationality, you may need to apply for a visa (MVV) for The Netherlands. This can be a time-consuming and expensive process; start your application process well in advance to avoid disappointment. 

    Deadline for application
    Applications for enrolment should be in our possession before the deadline. They differ for EU- and non-EU students:

    • EU students: 1st July
    • Non-EU students: 1st June

    Diploma recognition
    In co-operation with the NUFFIC, The Dutch Organisation for Internationalisation in Education, we will assess the value of foreign diplomas. Information on recognition of diplomas for admission to Dutch universities of applied sciences can be found on the NUFFIC website.

Is the bachelor European Studies programme right for you?

In addition to having the correct prior education , your chance of success in the European Studies program is greatest if you recognize yourself in the following characteristics:

  • You are interested in the European Union
  • You can easily adjust to new situations
  • You aspire an international career
  • You are interested in other countries and cultures
  • You have a good feeling for languages and you like to communicate
  • You are independent, but you also like to work with others
  • You are eager to study abroad

How to apply

Virtual tour Brusselseweg campus

Career opportunities European Studies

Can you see yourself working as a policy advisor for the European Union? Or are you more interested in working in the public relations and communication department? Even if you don’t know what you want to ‘be’ upon successful completion of the European Studies programme, the possibilities are almost endless. A few challenges European Studies graduates work on:

  • Work in or with the European Parliament
  • Initiate and maintain contacts for European collaboration
  • Maintain social media for (governmental) institutions
  • Work at an NGO/IGO

These are some examples of job opportunities for graduates in our programme:

  • Public affairs manager
  • Lobbyist
  • Communication advisor
  • Public relations manager
  • Staff member at the European Parliament/House of Representatives/Ministry/Embassy
  • Spokesperson
Graduate Lucie works as a Public Relations Specialist in the Czech Republic. In this video, Lucie tells you about her memories about European Studies and what it was like to study in the Netherlands as an international student

Continue studying

After graduation, you can transfer to a master’s degree programme. European Studies graduates have followed master’s programmes such as:

  • International relations
  • Political science
  • European Studies
  • Public administration
  • Law
  • Communication and Information Sciences

Note that some universities in the Netherlands and abroad require you to follow a 1 year pre-master course after graduating from the hbo bachelor European Studies at Zuyd in Maastricht.

Thanks to one of my European Studies lecturers, I landed an internship at the European Parliament, which later turned into a job.

Mickèl Magnus
European Studies
Brusselseweg 150
6217 HB Maastricht

You can request a personal appointment to learn more about the study programme. Please contact us: